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Queer in STEM (e avviso agli "ocaboys")


Da Nature, segnalo l'editoriale sui "citizen scientists":

Critics have raised concerns about data quality ... More troubling, perhaps, is the potential for conflicts of interest. One reason that some citizen scientists volunteer is to advance their political objectives. 

- l'articolo di Marla Broadfoot sul sondaggio "Queer in STEM":

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) scientists feel more accepted in the workplace than their peers in other professions, a US survey suggests. The study, published in the Journal of Homosexuality, also found that respondents in scientific fields with a high proportion of women, such as the social sciences, were more likely to be out to their colleagues than those in more male-intensive disciplines, such as engineering.

- il commento di Jeff Tollefson su questo paper di Zhu Liu et al, quasi tutti cinesi emigrati:

China’s carbon emissions may be significantly lower than previously thought — about 14% less in 2013 than estimated by the Chinese government and others, according to research published this week in Nature. The analysis draws on data from more than 4,200 Chinese mines — including new measurements of the energy content of coal — among other sources.

In compenso, l'inquinamento da centrali a carbone sarebbe maggiore di quanto si pensava, stando a Robert Rohde e Richard Muller di Berkeley Earth.

- Edouard Barbier valuta i piani per proteggere New Orleans, ancora incompleti a 10 anni dell'uragano Katrina. Altrove è peggio, scrive,

Other parts of the world urgently need such a long-term strategy. Around 38% of the global population — 2.5 billion people — live within 100 kilometres of the coast. More than three-quarters of these people are in developing countries. The frequency of flooding associated with cyclones and other major coastal storms is likely to increase by the 2050s as a result of accelerated sea-level rise. Coastal areas are the front lines of climate change.

The most vulnerable are poor, rural populations in developing countries that live less than 10 metres above sea level, in low-elevation coastal zones (LECZs). In 2010, around 267 million people lived in the rural areas of LECZs. By 2100, the figure is projected to be 459 million.

Tema affine sul Guardian: emigrazione di massa e cambiamenti climatici, mah... dubito che si riesca a distinguere bene il segnale. Discussione da ATTP, Lurker locale permettendo....


Dati NOAA:

The combined average temperature over global land and ocean surfaces for July 2015 was the highest for July in the 136-year period of record, at 0.81°C above the 20th century average of 15.8°C, surpassing the previous record set in 1998 by 0.08°C...


Cari "ocaboys", ho messo "sotto coperta" gli ultimi due commenti del vostro punching-ball: un link a, e una citazione da un blog di pseudo-scienza e complottite.


LOL del giorno

Perché i globalcoolisti non credono nei cambiamenti climatici:

“For us to accept that the average surface temperature of the Earth has risen to critical levels due to mankind’s production of greenhouse gases, we’ll need to see some actual, visible evidence, including a global death toll of no less than 500 million people within a single calendar year,” said spokesperson William Davis, 46, of Jackson, NJ, who added that at least 70 percent of all islands on the planet would also have to become submerged under rising seas before he and his cohort would reconsider their beliefs. 

Il resto qui.

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